When did it start? Mustafa

"Becoming" Michelle Obama 2018 

Becoming Me, Becoming Us, Becoming More

"The Making of a Fringe Candidate 1992" Dr. L.B. Fulani

Sharing A Black Novel return 2020 autographed

"The United Independent Compensory Code/System/Concept"

 Dr. Neely Fuller, Jr. 1971

From Perry, Georgia to the Nation's Capital Washington, DC

A Family Story Untold Shhare Your Family Story

What were you doing then and now? AiDE

SHARE Your Life Story Contact Mustafa 

1953 Freedman aka Howard Univ Hostipal @2 AM

1953 Born Homeless Mothers Social Service 12th Day October

1957 Domestic Job September age 4 years 11 months

1957 Public Discrimination National DC Transit

1959 Strange interaction Tall Gray Kite Tail


1960s Welfare Wars

SHARE Your Life Story Contact Mustafa 

1960 Science Fair Honorable Mention

1961 Ran-away Street Car National DC Trasit

1962 Indigo Star Child Diane initial contact

1962 Griffith Stadium Barnibes Bailey Circus elephants

1963 1st Summer visit with my Mother

1963 Sarah, Joe Mathany Healh warning Newwark, NJ

1964 Overdose Larrenzo Scoot youth 

1966 Be Careful About Death Lorenzo  Scoot #1

1966 Wonder Bread Cook family giveaways

1967 Christmas Carrol Act Bob Crachett

1967 Moma Diabetes Help Call

1967 Hawkins, Aandre, Michael "What's My Name

1967 The last neighbor hands-on 

1967 DNA HU Conferernce  Omni Magazine 

1967 Cheri Pragnant not my son

1967 Sheiia Pragnant not my son

1968 DC Riots Shaw Jr HS US Army rubber bullets

1968 Lorton Inmtes Riot burning neighborhoods

1968 Sarah Seaton Market Daugther Emily Found dead 

1969 Chiqu maybe my son


After Martin, Malcolm

SHARE Your Life Story Contact Mustafa 

1970 Overdosed HS Lunch

1970 McKinley Tech HS rise bar acting whote assaults

1970 Minnie breakup Troy MPD hnadcuffed trick'

1970 McDonald's 2 Days grill burn me mgr. assaulted 911

1971 Duvall HS Expelled

1971 Suicide married to Raymond

1972 Walker, Scoot murder questions

1973 Long Shoreman Warehouse Worker Union

1973  2nd Summer visit with my Mother

1974 Murcury  Dental 5X Hate Crime

1974 First Nat'l Bank Boston Mgmt Class Advancement

1974 Eliz Walker's son Balconey rescue

1975 Investaged MasterCard 

1975 City Industrial Am Sec Bank Closures $1,700

1975 American Security Bank Closure $1,200


Trickle Down BS

SHARE Your Life Story Contact Mustafa 

1970 Overdosed HS Lunch

1970 McKinley Tech HS rise bar acting whote assaults

1970 Minnie breakup Troy MPD hnadcuffed trick'


PB Jam

SHARE Your Life Story Contact Mustafa 

1970 Overdosed HS Lunch

1970 McKinley Tech HS rise bar acting whote assaults

1970 Minnie breakup Troy MPD hnadcuffed trick'

1970 McDonald's 2 Days grill burn me mgr. assaulted 911

1971 Duvall HS Expelled

1971 Suicide married to Raymond

1972 Walker, Scoot murder questions

1973 Long Shoreman Warehouse Worker Union

1973  2nd Summer visit with my Mother

1974 Murcury  Dental 5X Hate Crime

1974 First Nat'l Bank Boston Mgmt Class Advancement

1974 Eliz Walker's son Balconey rescue

1975 Investaged MasterCard 

1975 City Industrial Am Sec Bank Closures $1,700

1975 American Security Bank Closure $1,200